Design playing cards “VASCO” Design: Elisaveta YordanovaSize 65/90 mm (standard)Number of cards – 52+2 pcs.Material – plasticized cardboard for cardsBox, colorful, with laminate. Order now
On 1.02.2024 starts the embroidery competition “I embroider with VASCO”. Each participant must embroider up to 3 motifs of author’s mummers’ masks with floss VASCO and with elements of “Embroidery Fairy Tales” – 4. For the first round, post photos…
With VASCO we created these 6 fruit cocktails to delight all the senses! Fruit cocktails – 14.5% – 100ml A product created both for the individual needs of our customers and for the needs of the tourism industry. High value…
“Through her work, Eli gives new life to the Bulgarian cultural heritage in its various forms. And sharing all this with us is one of the most valuable qualities of the author of beautiful colorful fairy tales in embroidery.” Iskra…
“In the beginning was the Word. And God was the Word. And the Word was with God.” Gospel of John The third album of the talented designer Elisaveta Yordanova “Embroidery Fairy Tales” is reissued for the second time in 2023.…
“A creative explosion beyond the principles of ornamentalism. A surprising, emotional creative-innovative project of Elisaveta Yordanova.” Nikola At. Orloev Prof. Dr. Ing. “Embroidery Fairy Tales” 2 was released for the third time in 2023. The album includes 50 wonderful paintings…
In December 2023, the third edition of the popular album “Embroidery Fairy Tales” – 1 by the talented designer Elisaveta Yordanova – was released. This is the first of a total of 4 albums by the author of the series…
Calendar KUKERI MASKS 2024 The calendar of Nasledstvoto.BG for 2024 contains 12 colorful compositions with “kukeri” masks, created by Elisaveta Yordanova. The cross stitch patterns in the calendar are clear and large enough to be embroidered. The legends in colors…